Member Benefits
As a member of Downtown Madison, Inc., you and your organization’s employees can stay informed about important downtown issues, participate in civic involvement opportunities, and grow your personal and professional networks. Whether you are a business, non-profit organization, government agency, or an interested resident, DMI offers a variety of benefits and opportunities to its members.
Participation & Engagement
- Get involved with major civic issues and projects by joining one of DMI’s six standing committees
- Grow your professional and personal network by attending DMI’s two membership events, New Faces, New Places and the What’s Up Downtown breakfast
- Take a Behind The Scenes tour of some of Madison’s unique venues
Access & Information
- Stay informed on major downtown issues by attending the What’s Up Downtown and State of The Downtown events
- Learn about the latest in downtown and beyond by receiving the weekly DMI e-newsletter
- Access the DMI membership directory for a complete listing of individual and business members
Visibility & Marketing
- Update your business and employee information in the DMI membership database
- Market your business through exclusive DMI event sponsorship and hosting opportunities
- Promote your business by sending a direct mail piece using the DMI member mailing list
- Share business updates and events on the DMI website using the Member News form
DMI has been a vital part of my career in Madison. Though the Wipfli office is not downtown, we know that a vibrant and thriving downtown is critical for all businesses to succeed. I appreciate the networking events DMI offers, the monthly meetings to learn about Madison’s growth, the various committees that offer me ways to increase my involvement, the ability to visit different downtown venues, sharing the events with Wipfli’s next generation of leaders, and welcoming new clients from the relationships developed over the years.
Tammy Jelinek Partner, Wipfli, LLP

DMI Membership Dues
- 500+ employees: $3000
- 100+ employees: $1800
- 51-99 employees: $1375
- 26-50 employees: $915
- 11-25 employees: $685
- 2-10 employees: $500
- Sole Proprietor (1 employee): $325
- Non-profit: $300
- Non-Business/Resident: $155
*Employee count is based on full-time equivalents at all participating member locations. At the Non-Business/Resident level, no reference will be made to a business/organization in the DMI membership database. Home contact information only will be included. Dues are based on a twelve-month membership effective upon joining and may not be prorated or refunded. Membership investment is not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes.
Interested In Joining DMI?
For more information or assistance in getting your DMI membership started, contact Heather Stetzer, DMI Director of Development at or 608-512-1335.