Salvation Army Redvelopment
630 E. Washington Avenue Five-story building with a mission house, rooming house, counseling services, health services and place of worship,…
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630 E. Washington Avenue Five-story building with a mission house, rooming house, counseling services, health services and place of worship,…
The Moment Demolish an existing 15-story building for a proposed 15-story structure with a two-story public lobby with commercial and…
121 East Wilson Street New 14-story mixed-use housing project containing 337 apartments, 17,000 square feet of commercial space and multiple…
Dayton Hotel Proposal to demolish a one-story warehouse for a three-story hotel with 52 to 55 rooms, a cafe and…
301 East Johnson Street Proposed redevelopment to construct a new a residential building with 32 to 48 dwelling units with…
402 West Wilson Street Construction of an addition to the existing two-story office building, which would remain and be converted…
State Street Campus Garage Mixed-Use Project Redevelop the existing Lake Street parking structure to construct a mixed-use 12-story structure with…
CDA Triangle Sites Redevelopment Redevelopment of more than 400 housing units within the Triangle Community encompassing about 15 acres bounded…
139 West Wilson Street A 16-story apartment tower with approximately 320 micro units of workforce housing ranging in size from…
The Saddlery Readapt the historic, four-story building at 317 E. Wilson St. and a newer two-story building at 323 E….
Atmosphere Madison Build a 12-story structure with 363 housing units and a four-story below- and above-ground parking garage with about…
Irving and Dorothy Levy Hall The five-story building will include 26,000 square feet of classrooms, along with offices and support…